debian-lts-announce Oct 2016 by subject

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[SECURITY] [DLA 644-1] libav security update [SECURITY] [DLA 645-1] bind9 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 646-1] zendframework security update [SECURITY] [DLA 648-1] c-ares security update [SECURITY] [DLA 650-1] mat security update [SECURITY] [DLA 651-1] graphicsmagick security update [SECURITY] [DLA 652-1] qemu security update [SECURITY] [DLA 653-1] qemu-kvm security update [SECURITY] [DLA 654-1] libxfixes security update [SECURITY] [DLA 655-1] mpg123 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 656-1] libdbd-mysql-perl security update [SECURITY] [DLA 657-1] libarchive security update [SECURITY] [DLA 658-1] icedove security update [SECURITY] [DLA 660-1] libxrandr security update [SECURITY] [DLA 661-1] libarchive security update [SECURITY] [DLA 662-1] quagga security update [SECURITY] [DLA 663-1] tor security update [SECURITY] [DLA 664-1] libxrender security update [SECURITY] [DLA 665-1] libgd2 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 666-1] guile-2.0 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 667-1] libxv security update [SECURITY] [DLA 668-1] libass security update [SECURITY] [DLA 669-1] dwarfutils security update [SECURITY] [DLA 670-1] linux security update [SECURITY] [DLA 671-1] libxvmc security update [SECURITY] [DLA 672-1] bind9 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 673-1] kdepimlibs security update [SECURITY] [DLA 674-1] ghostscript security update [SECURITY] [DLA 674-2] ghostscript regression update [SECURITY] [DLA 675-1] potrace security update [SECURITY] [DLA 676-1] nspr security update [SECURITY] [DLA 677-1] nss security update [SECURITY] [DLA 678-1] qemu security update [SECURITY] [DLA 679-1] qemu-kvm security update [SECURITY] [DLA 680-1] bash security update [SECURITY] [DLA 680-2] bash version number correction [SECURITY] [DLA 681-1] tzdata new upstream version [SECURITY] [DLA 682-1] libdatetime-timezone-perl new upstream version [SECURITY] [DLA 683-1] graphicsmagick security update [SECURITY] [DLA 684-1] libx11 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 685-1] libxi security update [SECURITY] [DLA 686-1] libxtst security update [SECURITY] [DLA 687-1] tre security update [SECURITY] [DLA 688-1] cairo security update [SECURITY] [DLA 689-1] qemu-kvm security update [SECURITY] [DLA 690-1] tar security update [SECURITY] [DLA 691-1] libxml2 security update [SECURITY] [DLA DLA-647-1] freeimage security update [SECURITY] [DLA DLA-649-1] python-django security update The last update was on 12:09 GMT Wed Jun 05. There are 49 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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