debian-lts-announce Aug 2016 by subject

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[SECURITY] [DLA 567-2] mysql-5.5 security and regression update [SECURITY] [DLA 575-2] collectd regression update [SECURITY] [DLA 579-1] openjdk-7 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 581-1] libreoffice security update [SECURITY] [DLA 582-1] libidn security update [SECURITY] [DLA 583-1] lighttpd security update [SECURITY] [DLA 584-1] libsys-syslog-perl security update [SECURITY] [DLA 585-1] firefox-esr security update [SECURITY] [DLA 586-1] curl security update [SECURITY] [DLA 587-1] fontconfig security update [SECURITY] [DLA 588-1] mongodb security update [SECURITY] [DLA 588-2] mongodb security update [SECURITY] [DLA 589-1] mupdf security update [SECURITY] [DLA 590-1] python-django security update [SECURITY] [DLA 591-1] libreoffice security update [SECURITY] [DLA 592-1] postgresql-9.1 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 593-1] nettle security update [SECURITY] [DLA 594-1] openssh security update [SECURITY] [DLA 595-1] wireshark security update [SECURITY] [DLA 596-1] extplorer security update [SECURITY] [DLA 597-1] libupnp security update [SECURITY] [DLA 598-1] suckless-tools security update [SECURITY] [DLA 599-1] cracklib2 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 600-1] libgcrypt11 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 601-1] quagga security update [SECURITY] [DLA 602-1] gnupg security and hardening update [SECURITY] [DLA 603-1] ruby-activesupport-3.2 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 604-1] ruby-actionpack-3.2 security update [SECURITY] [DLA 605-1] eog security update [SECURITY] [DLA 606-1] tiff security update [SECURITY] [REGRESSION] [DLA -] graphite2 regression update [SECURITY] default-java switch to OpenJDK 7 - Icedtea plugin The last update was on 06:43 GMT Wed Jun 05. There are 32 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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