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Re: Bug#673586: FTBFS if Python 3.2 is installed in chroot

Hi Steve,

Le mercredi, 15 mai 2013 21.46:39, Steve Langasek a écrit :
> Well, this was the first time the lsb package has been merged into Ubuntu
> from Debian in about four years; so there's still a delta, which we can try
> to clean up (that's always the goal) - but at this point it's too early to
> say whether we'll be able to get them in sync.

Long-term goal is a goal. Fine for me. :)

> However, seeing that the package is in collab-maint, I'm going to go ahead
> and pick off some of the lower-hanging fruit right now by pushing the fixes
> to git.

I feel compelled to point out here that this is not how I understand collab-
maint is supposed to work. That said, in that case, despite preferring commit 
messages not including debian/changelog messages in favour of git-dch, I'm 
happy with your commits that I had already committed (but not pushed) :)

I have uploaded your changes as +Debian11 with some changes of mine.

> The remaining delta consists of a few pieces:
>  - The actual switch to python3.  What are your thoughts on this?  It's not
>    a high priority for the python team in Debian as it is in Ubuntu, but it
>    should be safe.  The packaging in Ubuntu currently relies on running
> 2to3 at build time, however; since this is a native package, if we want to
> switch to python3 (and given that you already have python2.6 as the
> baseline for modules), we should really make those changes in place in the
> code.  Do you agree?  Would you like to go ahead and make this change?

I don't have a very clear vision yet on the impact of such a change on the 
rest of Debian (d-i and default installation footprint come to mind) as lsb-
release will pull in python3 in quite a lot of situations. I will therefore 
branch the code and upload the work-in-progress in that direction to 

>  - pidofproc.  Debian and Ubuntu have independently applied fixes to solve
>    the return code of this function in certain cases; I'm confident based
> on the history that the current behavior of the Ubuntu implementation is
> correct, but I haven't had a chance to compare it with the Debian
> implementation, so I've kept the Ubuntu implementation for now.  If you
> would be happy taking the Ubuntu version, I could send you a diff;
> otherwise I should find the time to review the Debian version and compare
> the logic.

I'd be more confident with dropping the Debian implementation with a review at 
hand. A quick look indicates that they should be equivalent though (I know, it 
doesn't help).

>  - lsb-core Multi-Arch: foreign.  This is a hack, we probably want to
> figure out how to fix this properly.

Indeed. The changelog entry indicates that it was an attempt at tricking the 
multiarch system for helping proprietary packages, as I understand it.

> - mailx preferred over mailutils, because bsd-mailx is in main in Ubuntu
>    and mailutils is not.  There's been discussion just today about whether
>    these should be swapped after all, so I don't think any action should be
>    taken for this in Debian right now.

Good, thanks for the clarification.

> So certainly nothing insurmountable, but it'll take a little time to get
> things fully in sync.

The Jessie release cycle could be enough, we'll see.

> Oh, fwiw, I have to say I'm not a fan of the derived_from_ubuntu logic in
> the Debian package.  I think it's vastly preferable to keep such
> differences as source package deltas than to have the same source package
> give different results when built on different derivatives.

Well; having all changes happen on the same codebase (and VCS) IMHO helps 
avoiding useful distribution-agnostic changes in derivatives as contributors 
are compelled to think twice whether the change is agnostic or specific 

> I'm not sure it's worth changing it in this case, but if you were to drop
> the Ubuntu-specific bits from the Debian package, that would be just fine
> with me.

Thanks for making that explicit. As long as they don't come in either your or 
my way, I see no reason either to drop these.

Looking forward to more collaboration from Ubuntu on src:lsb ! :)



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