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Bug#673207: /etc/default/rcS is perhaps a better place for FANCYTTY variable

Le 21.05.2012 12:18, Roger Leigh a écrit :
>> FANCYTTY=$([ -e /etc/default/rcS ] && . /etc/default/rcS && echo $FANCYTTY)
> I'm not sure why you need to do this BTW, none of the existing users
> do.  If you want to avoid polluting your environment with settings
> you don't need, then it's fine, but otherwise I don't see the need.

I'm not sure I see the need either; looks cleaner to avoid cruft though.

>> Just to make sure I understand that correctly: would it be possible to
>> let lsb-base's /lib/lsb/init-functions read FANCYTTY from /e/d/rcS right
>> now ?
> You can do it right now, it's just that it's not guaranteed to be set.

See the log_use_fancy_output function in /l/l/init-functions.

The current default for FANCYTTY is "not set": if the terminal is
capable and FANCYTTY is unset, then fancy output is enabled. If the
terminal is not capable or FANCYTTY is set to anything not in
"1|Y|yes|true", then the fancy output is disabled.

> So you'd need to set a default, then source the script.  E.g.:
> FANCYTTY=defaultval
> [ -e /etc/default/rcS ] && . /etc/default/rcS

What is done currently is:

[ -e /etc/lsb-base-logging.sh ] && . /etc/lsb-base-logging.sh || true

>> c) writing maintainer scripts to make sure an already defined FANCYTTY
>> in /e/lsb-base-logging.sh gets written to /e/d/rcS (Policy doesn't
>> really allow this).
> Actually, you are probably OK, since it's not (yet) a conffile.
> But it would be better to have it provided as part of the initscripts
> defaults.  UTC got moved out yesterday (by util-linux).  We can now
> (if there is agreement) make rcS a regular conffile--the primary
> reason for it not being a conffile having been removed.

I think that this would be vastly better than modifying a foreign conffile.

That said; /e/lsb-base-logging.sh will keep being sourced as being the
documented file to override the functions defined in
/l/l/init-functions. How do we ensure that any FANCYTTY (possibly
scripted) definition in there gets reflected in /e/d/rcS ?

I would tend to foresee that the code would look like:

[ -e /etc/default/rcS ] && . /etc/default/rcS || true
[ -e /etc/lsb-base-logging.sh ] && . /etc/lsb-base-logging.sh || true

... with some maintainer script code in lsb-base and/or sysvinit to copy
an existing value of FANCYTTY from /e/lsb-base-logging.sh to /e/d/rcS .

Opinions ?


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