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RE: Presence of /dev/radio symlink ?

>In my current sarge install, there is no /dev/radio symlink ( 
>it would point to "radio0" ).
>I read the sarge rc policy and the LSB (and FHS) and it is not 
>clear tom if the "radio"
>symlink should be created by the install or not.
>Can you help ?
>If not, who can ?

LSB is intentionally silent on such matters.  I'm not even
sure one could say there's a standard way such things get
created across distros - some implementations effectively 
clean out /dev on reboot (udev, devfs) and only present what's
described in the rules, so on such things "editing the rules" 
might be the only way.

So for Debian, I think this is up to Debian policy.

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