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Re: Debian Installer bug/issue in all live image DVDs

> The official live images are generated already in 8 flavours, and 
> duplicating them requires a lot of additional testing effort. Do you 
> volunteer to test them?

I understand that providing the live images is a lot of work, that  
Debian has limited volunteers, and that perhaps it's not currently 
possible to provide the live images without a non-free-firmware 
option. But if that's the case, then at the very least that should 
be disclosed on the live image download page. Since the Debian 
homepage "Who We Are", "What We Do", and "Our Philosophy" pages 
all promote Debian as Free Software, the live image download page 
should at least tell people to choose another download method 
if such Free Software is what they're intending to install.
Currently, to read those promo pages and then click/download/get  
something quite different than what's promoted, without warning 
or explanation, is very misleading. Until there's an update, 
just one additional sentence under "Is live image suitable for me" 
would be enough to not mislead users.

> Since you wrote that you have 29 non-free-firmware components (BTW there 
> is no non-free on the live images) after installation, you probably 
> needed them for the hardware support. I'm curious, does your computer 
> still work properly after you have removed them?

Yes, my computer works great after removing all the non-free-firmware. 
In fact, better: With the non-free Atheros firmware, my wifi adapter was 
having issues that it never had with Bullseye / previous releases. Once 
I removed that non-free Atheros and installed the Free Ath9k, my wifi 
adapter worked perfectly again. It seems to me that Bullseye and previous 
always installed Ath9k for me. However, that's a different issue of
much lesser importance. I'm just confirming that, yes, my computer 
works properly without any of those 29 non-free-firmware components.

Thank you for your attention, reply, and efforts!

Replying to: https://lists.debian.org/debian-live/2024/05/msg00002.html

Original: https://lists.debian.org/debian-live/2024/05/msg00000.html

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