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Bug#1069349: live-build: Regression in d14306a7 leading to build failures

Hi Roland,
> On 20/04/2024 13:32, Daniel Reichelt wrote:
> What are you doing that makes the directory 'config/includes.binary'
> disappear?
> If I use 'lb config --distribution sid', the directory is created (but
> empty) and there will be no error message.

I'm keeping my (final, i.e. `lb config`ured) config-trees in git which has been
working for over a decade so far.

> the directory is created (but empty) and there will be no error
> message.

It is not a good practise to depend on the existence of empty
directories, IMHO.

Your commit message says nothing abaout the patch in
scripts/build/binary_includes. Why did you move those lines in the first

Prior to the move, `if Find_files config/includes.binary/` acted as a
check for existence of said directory. With your patch, that's no longer
the case which is the actual problem here.


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