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Re: Copy filesystem.squashfs (only) to ram

Am 19.02.24 um 19:23 schrieb Alex King:
Yes, I have already build my own image, including only the packages I
want.  That works well.

My interim solution is to create an lvm lv of 1G in size and download
filesystem.squashfs to that, with the copy-to-ram option.  This works
well for most servers that have lvm VGs set up, however there are some
servers where this is not the case and we'll need to do some manual disk
re-organising prior (or use the PXE method).

Something else you could try:

genisoimage -o squashfs-only.iso -R -J -graft-points

Place vmlinuz, initrd.img and the newly-generated squashfs-only.iso on
the hard disk you want to wipe.

Use bootparameters

toram findiso=/squashfs-only.iso

in your bootloader, instead of merely adding "toram".

If you didn't place the files in /, but in /boot, you will need to
change the path like so:

toram findiso=/boot/squashfs-only.iso

That way, live-boot will try to locate the ISO, but as it only checks
for the presence of the filesystem.squashfs in a folder named "live"
inside the ISO (or possibly even only for the presence of that folder),
it can be fooled into using this stripped-down ISO. That way, only the
filesystem.squashfs will be loaded into RAM, and not the entire content
of the filesystem you're on.

(We're using this for X2Go-TCE, which is in turn based on live-build and
Debian: <https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce>)

Kind Regards,
Stefan Baur

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