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live-build 20230502 regression-- Generates corrupted images when using bookworm-backports APT kernel pinning

Hi there,

I have used live-build 20210407 on Debian 11 to successfully build a large number of Debian 11 based images. Now I'm using the same config and process with live-build 20230502 on Debian 12 to build Debian 12 based images. There appears to be a major regression with live-build 20230502 on Debian 12 when using this APT pinning:

### config/includes.chroot/etc/apt/preferences.d/99backports ###

Package: linux-image-*
Pin: release a=stable-backports
Pin-Priority: 600

Package: linux-headers-*
Pin: release a=stable-backports
Pin-Priority: 600

Package: firmware-*
Pin: release a=stable-backports
Pin-Priority: 600

Package: nvidia-driver
Pin: release a=stable-backports
Pin-Priority: 600


With that APT pinning, live-build 20210407 on Debian 11 generates a Debian 12 ISO with the latest Debian Stable kernel (6.1.0) as well as the latest Debian Backports kernel (6.4.0) that successfully boots and works as expected. Here's a screenshot:

Here's the full live-build config I'm using:

However, with the exact same config but using live-build 20230502 on Debian 12, it generates an ISO that shows both the 6.1.0 and the 6.4.0 kernels in the live system GRUB boot menu (on an EFI system), but when selecting the 6.4.0 kernel it boots into X11 and then completely freezes. I've confirmed this same behavior with VirtualBox, Qemu, and real hardware. When booting into runlevel 3 it bizarrely says I'm running the 6.4.0 kernel and yet the 6.4.0 kernel doesn't appear in /boot. Here's a screenshot:

Just to confirm that it's not an issue with my config, I also built an image with https://github.com/nodiscc/debian-live-config but added the above mentioned APT pinning, and the exact same thing happened.

Here's the build log with live-build 20210407 on Debian 11 and the resulting ISO:
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/spirallinux/files/dev/SpiralLinux-built-Debian11.log/download
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/spirallinux/files/dev/SpiralLinux-test-working.iso/download
And here's the build log with live-build 20230502 on Debian 12 and the resulting ISO:
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/spirallinux/files/dev/SpiralLinux-built-Debian12.log/download
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/spirallinux/files/dev/SpiralLinux-test-broken.iso/download

Please let me know if you need any more information. Thanks!

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