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new user created by customized Debian 12 installer not using includes.chroot/etc/skel

I'm converting the installer for a project from bullseye to bookworm. Here's a bit of background:

* build command (https://github.com/mmguero-dev/Malcolm/blob/c040bccd0b33982595c38fa7d5018b20aeaae5ad/malcolm-iso/build.sh#L200-L229)
* live build configuration directory (https://github.com/mmguero-dev/Malcolm/tree/development/malcolm-iso/config)
* preseed stuff (https://github.com/mmguero-dev/Malcolm/tree/development/malcolm-iso/config/includes.binary/install)

Something that's changed between Debian 11 and Debian 12 is that when installing from my generated ISO, the home directory of the new user no longer gets the contents of /etc/skel (includes.chroot/etc/skel) like it used to. The user is created, as I can see in /var/log/syslog during installation:

user-setup: Adding user `analyst' ...
user-setup: adding new group `analyst' (1000) ...
groupadd[15863]: group added to /etc/group: name=analyst, GID=1000
groupadd[15863]: group added to /etc/gshadow: name=analyst
groupadd[15863]: new gorup: name=analyst, GID=1000
user-setup: Adding new user `analyst' (1000) with group `analyst (1000)' ...
useradd[15869]: new user: name=analyst, UID=1000, GID=1000, home=/home/analyst, shell=/bin/bash, from=none
user-setup: adduser: The home directory `/home/analyst' already exists. Not touching this directory.

However, checking in /target/home/analyst at this point in installation (and in /home/analyst in the resulting system) the contents of skel don't exist there.

I could do it myself manually in a late preseed command, but I'd like to understand what's different and if there's something I should be doing instead.

Using live-build @ 'debian/1%20230131'.



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