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.disk/info should contain flavour/version of live image

Hi all,

with the bookworm live images, the format of the .disk/info file on
the iso images has been modified, for example:

   # mount -o loop debian-live-11.2.0.amd64-kde+nonfree.iso /mnt
   $ cat /mnt/.disk/info
   Official Debian GNU/Linux Live 11.2.0 kde 2021-12-18T13:54

   # mount -o loop debian-live-12.0.0.amd64-gnome.iso /mnt
   $ cat /mnt/.disk/info
   Debian GNU/Linux 12 "Bookworm" - Official Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20230610-08:51

The problem:  There is no way to find the image flavour
(gnome/kde/standard) of the image from .disk/info, it's identical for 
all images.

Now, di-netboot-assistant uses the information provided in .disk/info
to generate live netboot (ipxe/grub) boot menu entries for live images [1].
This partially fails now, because the menu entry titles are identical.
It would be nice to provide the image flavour as before in .disk/info.

Best regards,


[1] https://salsa.debian.org/installer-team/netboot-assistant/-/blob/master/README
    paragraph 'Debian Live ISO Images'


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