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Re: lb binary fails on line 72

Mar 2, 2021, 01:59 by rclobus@rclobus.nl:

> Hello Borden,
> On 02/03/2021 03:53, Borden wrote:
>> I'm trying to build an image using live-build 20210216. It's getting towards the end and fails suddenly with error message
>> find: ‘binary’: No such file or directory
>> E: An unexpected failure occurred, exiting...
>> I think I've traced the offending code to line 72 of /usr/lib/live/build/binary:
>> # Apply SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to all modified and created files
>> find binary -newermt "$(date -d@${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH} '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" -printf "%y %p\n" -exec touch '{}' -d@${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH} --no-dereference ';' > binary.modified_timestamps
>> Is this a known problem and, if so, what's the workaround?
> I'm the author of that specific line.
> Can you provide me with the configuration (lb config) that causes this
> issue? The folder 'binary' should have been created by one of the
> previous steps.
> With kind regards,
> Roland Clobus
Thank you for your quick response.

That's what I thought, too. Here's my auto/config file:


set -e

lb config noauto \
--architecture 'amd64' \
--archive-areas 'main contrib non-free' \
--backports 'true' \
--binary-filesystem 'fat32' \
--binary-images 'iso-hybrid' \
--bootappend-live 'boot=live locales=en_CA.UTF-8 keyboard-layouts=us keyboard-variants=dvorak persistence' \
--bootloaders 'grub-efi' \
--debian-installer 'netinst' \
--debian-installer-distribution 'bullseye' \
--distribution 'bullseye' \
--firmware-binary 'true' \
--firmware-chroot 'true' \
--linux-flavours 'amd64' \
--memtest 'memtest86+' \
--security 'false' \
--uefi-secure-boot 'enable' \
--updates 'true' \
--win32-loader 'true' \

I use the fat32 filesystem with iso-hybrid because I want to put onto a fat32-formatted USB key (see my other post about setting binary-image to hdd fails). Let me know if the logs will be of any use (and which ones)

With thanks,

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