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Re: Live-Build a Multi Arch Debian ISO with live desktop

Do you mean multi-arch where an 64bit system can use 32 bit packages?
or do you mean an iso that has 2 different live systems one being 43
bit and the other being 64 bit?

If it;s the 1st you simply enable 32 bit libraries.
If it's the 2nd there is no built in way to do it that I am aware of
although it would be extremely helpful if there was. I think it could
be done but you would need to build 2 different systems and then merge
them ensuring you have either 2 different live folders (e.g. live-32
and live-64) or 2 different squashfs files (also named *-32  and
*-64). You would then need to change the syslinux menu to show the
appropriate 32 or 64 bit options on the appropriate machines. Rebuild
the iso, and test it.

On 28/02/2020, GSM PakOS <gsm.pakos@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello dear Sir, I am trying to make a multi arch live ISO , With live lxqt
> desktop with my choice of software. Where can I find the base scripts for
> 1. Building a multi arch ISO
> 2. A multi arch ISO with a live squashfs based file.
> My debian respin named PakOS is available on
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/pakos/
> However I build the whole thing by chrooting into the i386 squashfs, not an
> elegant solution. If a base script is available anywhere, please point me
> to
> it <http://to.it>. Thx.
> gSM

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