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Re: live-build loopback implementation

(Bringing back the discussion to debian-live ML.)

El 8/4/20 a las 17:32, jnqnfe@gmail.com escribió:

Question #1:

Your loopback implementation in live-build commit
39038173a890ed4e19e8ce181383e95ce6d3e1ce involved injecting the
`findiso=${iso_path}` parameter to all live entries by modifying the
set of appended parameters in binary_loopback_cfg, meaning that it is
served to the kernel even in non-loopback situations.
That's true.
The supergrubdisk loopback wiki page ([1]) has a link ([2]) to the
commit in which Grml implemented there solution, which only serves the
kernel the parameter when necessary by doing this:

if [ ${iso_path} ] ; then
     set loopback="findiso=${iso_path}"

Followed by using $loopback in the menu entries.

Of course that is done in a fixed grub.cfg file.
That's true.
I am curious why your solution did not do something similar, i.e. add
the above three lines to grub.cfg and have `"${loopback}"` appended.

I meant, was there a specific reason for not doing it this way?

Liveid also needs live-boot package to be patched so that initrd for the live cds make sure to look for the correct /live/filesystem.squashfs (or whatever) file.

So live-boot needs to read the liveid kernel parametre. That's why the kernel has to have it in the first place.

I can foresee that your solution would allow user customised configs
without the above three lines to benefit from working looback support,
whilst this alternative would not unless they modified their custom
grub.cfg to add those lines...

With MR #135 moving generation of grub config files out to template
files, like syslinux, perhaps it makes more sense to move to the same
solution as Grml?

Would you concur with that being a good idea? (before I bother to craft
an MR)

Explained above. live-boot.

That means that if you want to use liveid in live-build you need first to be accepted into live-boot .

Question #2:

Was it a deliberate choice to only have it added to live entries? Is it
not also helpful for it to be used with install entries?

I tend not to mess with the code I cannot test (mainly because of lack of knowledge) that's why I assume I did not add those entries there. I guess that, yes, it should be also added there and there won't be any problem but I'm not 100% sure. It would be needed to be tested. Maybe I tried it in the past and the liveid= entry was repeated twice. Not sure. Just guessing.

[1]: https://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Loopback.cfg

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