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live-boot repository: ready for translators

Dear translators of live-boot,

You are receiving this mail, because you are listed as the
'Last-Translator' for the Debian repository live-boot.

I've finished updating the man pages for live-boot. The main changes are
in the URLs that are listed. The current URLs in your
translations refer to older links of the Live Systems Project (e.g.
alioth.debian.org or live-systems.org).
Since the last translation, a few typos in the English text have been
corrected and a few features have been added.

You can find the update po files in the git repository at:
or you can directly download the files from:

When the translations have been updated, a full release of the live-boot
package can be prepared.

With kind regards,
Roland Clobus

Translation statistics:
68 translated messages, 4 fuzzy translations.
119 translated messages, 8 fuzzy translations, 21 untranslated messages.
70 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations.
118 translated messages, 8 fuzzy translations, 22 untranslated messages.
68 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 2 untranslated messages.
119 translated messages, 6 fuzzy translations, 23 untranslated messages.
cd live-boot/manpages/po
rgrep  "Last-Translator" * | awk  '{ b=split($0, a, "\""); print a[2];
}' | sort -u
find -type f | awk '{ print "echo "$0; print "msgfmt --statistics "$0;
}' | sh

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