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Bug#946385: More attempts at live build

On the theory that I don't need 'lilo', and the 2 'grub' packages aren't in the 'tutorial1' example, I removed these from desktop.list.chroot and tried again. 'lb build' got further, but still didn't result in an iso; the build log from this run is here http://tjcw.freeshell.org/live-build-bug/build.2.log . It looks like 'lb build' stopped part way through, but I cannot see the reason. Is the message
umount: /home/tjcw/lb/freeduc/chroot/dev/pts: target is busy.
significant ?
I unmounted this and reissued the 'lb build' command. Again it got further; build log here http://tjcw.freeshell.org/live-build-bug/build.3.log ; but no iso. And indeed there was nothing in chroot/boot . Is one or more of the packages in desktop.list.chroot preventing the 'lb build' from working ?
For the next attempt I have removed
from the desktop.list.chroot and issued 'lb clean;lb build'. This is currently running.

Chris Ward

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