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Re: Bug: Buster 10.0 Testing 20190617 Image LiveCD Will Not Boot

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Hello Michael,

There were no replies to my post to
<mailto:debian-boot@lists.debian.org> of

I then posted to <mailto:debian-live@lists.debian.org>
starting with
where there were various replies, suggestions and my
responses/actions to same.

The net my attempts to report a bug by validating my concerns
of bugs in the Buster Live CD image were such I gave up.  If I
could not be just a bit successful in confirming to the Debian
Community of bugs, then experience has already demonstrated
opening a bug report would be far more time consuming and way
too much spinning of others and more.

I had no guidance how to capture the error messages flashing on
the  splash screen.  I managed using my own technical
skills, knowledge and alot of time to obtain the complete and
exact error messages that were flashing on the boot splash
screen.  Despite having the exact error messages and what
conditions the error messages displayed in I still received
basically an opinion of not a Buster issue.

I gave up as too much wild goose chasing advise or m being told
not a bug at all.  In my opinion the facts were not being not
accepted of what was clear to me a bug (I actually discovered a
few bugs and only reported the easy bug in my technical
opinion) and not much help in the ask I posted for how to
obtain the error messages flashing on the splash screen.

I have many many years of IT experience and I cannot tell you
how many times technical experts, DBAs,
hardware/firmware, systems, Operations, networking, and
developers, third party vendors/contractors, et al have
responded to me in a corporate setting that many bugs I
reported were not bugs or they did not make a change that I
then spend many weeks or few months of time only to result in
systems going down because the bugs I was told were not bugs
were now far far worse and far more time consuming and complex
to be fixed by these teams that had told me the reported bug
was not a bug.  I do not have such time to waste where this
same MO that applies in commercial, corporate as well as Open
Source and frankly nor does Open Source have such time to waste
with the limited time and volunteer of many to Open Source

A familiar Open Source project response is they do not have the
time to work on bugs/issues, works for them so cannot exist,
nobody else has reported the issue/bug so cannot exist.  The
latter two are actually far from truth of determining if a bug
exists.  I worked many years in roles where the issue reported
was a bug and often serious, but only one person/client often
was only experiencing the issue.  I have worked on bugs that
only occur once every few months.  I have found the cause of
bugs in less than an hour the software engineering teams have
not been able to identify in two years.  This is not me
bragging or similar.  The point here is it takes a special set
of soft skills, technical skills and problem solving skills
that seems to be less and less understood and strived for with
software/firmware.  I know of bugs in very key high profile
software (not distribution centric bugs) that has existed for
years and getting worse and worse over the years that may very
well bring major systems and or networks systems down big time
and nobody is likely to understand why or how this could of
happened, let alone how to fix.  So if there are challenges
addressing the more basic and straight forward bugs the far
more serious bugs and time bomb bugs (with the needed variable
conditions) are going to pose major stress on how issues and
bugs are identified and fixed.  Again to be clear I am not
bragging or similar here.  My point is much time is being spend
in stating bugs that do not exist for reasons and approaches
that are not based on facts presented or determined
additionally causing many bugs (I see many on routine bases)
that are bing triaged out as not bugs to only get worse over
time as bug and collectively with other bugs.  This is going to
bite back as situations like Heartbleed will look pale in
comparison, the various CPU bugs, et al have proven.  The latter
of which has in fact caused serious reduction in compute
capacity and has actually made the very very very serious high
profile software bugs I know of much worse though the combined
effect of the nature of the multiple bugs and bandaide solutions
implemented to provide some form of limited protection to the
CPU based bugs.

As to the trying the released Buster Live, I happened to do so
for secondary reasons this past weekend.  Serious issues in my
opinion that may or may not be Live image specific.  I do not
know as I was not going to investigate.

John L. Males
Toronto, Ontario
10 July 2019 03:16


2019-07-10 06:23:34.993268759+0000-UTC Time:

10 Jul 06:23:35 ntpdate[31747]: ntpdate 4.2.8p10@1.3728-o Sun
Feb 25 21:22:56 UTC 2018 (1)

10 Jul 06:23:49 ntpdate[31752]: step time server
offset -0.006960 sec

Linux 4.9.0-9-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.168-1 (2019-04-12)

Modified Debian GNU/Linux 9.9 (stretch)
(Alternative to Debian determined, work in progress)

cat /proc/cpuinfo (Selected):

model name	: AMD E-350 Processor

vmstat -s:

     16026156 K total memory
      8613592 K used memory
     13352480 K active memory
      1315668 K inactive memory
       948644 K free memory
       152648 K buffer memory
      6311272 K swap cache
            0 K total swap
            0 K used swap
            0 K free swap
    184690468 non-nice user cpu ticks
     75495501 nice user cpu ticks
    226136384 system cpu ticks
    568036381 idle cpu ticks
      2660494 IO-wait cpu ticks
            0 IRQ cpu ticks
      4890964 softirq cpu ticks
            0 stolen cpu ticks
    300938018 pages paged in
     55163531 pages paged out
            0 pages swapped in
            0 pages swapped out
    473619250 interrupts
   2131057094 CPU context switches
   1557283473 boot time
    533263180 forks

/proc/vmstat (Selected):

pgpgin 300938018
pgpgout 55163531
pswpin 0
pswpout 0
pgfree 65923533081
pgfault 113208142124
pgmajfault 911321

/proc/meminfo (Selected):

Mlocked:             160 kB
VmallocTotal:   34359738367 kB
VmallocChunk:          0 kB
HugePages_Total:       0

vmstat --partition /dev/sda8 (Swap):

partition was not found

sar -b:

Linux 4.9.0-9-amd64 (debian) 	07/10/2019
_x86_64_	(2 CPU)

12:00:01 AM  pgpgin/s pgpgout/s   fault/s  majflt/s  pgfree/s
pgscank/s pgscand/s pgsteal/s    %vmeff

05:55:01 AM      0.00      0.00  21859.04      0.00
11461.65      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00 06:05:01
AM      0.00      0.00  22586.89      0.00  12370.20
0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00 06:15:01 AM      0.00
0.00  21821.60      0.00  11404.73      0.00      0.00
0.00      0.00 Average:         0.08      0.01  22477.55
0.00  12477.42      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00

ps -A:


 0.0 May  8  51:24  0  TS kswapd0         00:51:24   0    35
TS   19     0     0      0     0      0      0   0 S
00:51:24 -

Message replied to:

Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2019 13:41:19 +0200
From: Michael Kesper <mkesper@schokokeks.org>
To: jlmales@gmail.com, debian-boot@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Bug: Buster 10.0 Testing 20190617 Image LiveCD
Will Not Boot

> Hi John,
> > Using the LiveCD LXDE image of 20190617 Will not boot to
> > Live Image.
> > 
> > Messages flash very quickly that make it difficult to see
> > the actual messages.  Adding the "debug" option to the boot
> > command line for the LiveCD boot has no impact on the speed
> > or type of error occurring.
> > 
> > The best I can see from several attempts to boot the LiveCD
> > image is some sort of error in the options for booting the
> > LiveCD image.
> > 
> > If one chooses any other menu option to boot such as
> > installing Debian there is no error and the image boots to
> > the install or intended menu item of initial boot splash
> > screen to select what one wants.
> > 
> > This is actually not strictly a Buster  Testing 10.x error.
> > This is fact also occurs more selectively with Debian
> > Stretch 9.9.0 and many prior versions.  I will skip the
> > messy details of how I have played the bugs against each
> > other to workaround what is in essence the same bug.
> Just some general question:
> Did you verify the checksums of the images you downloaded?
> They are in the same directory where the iso images are
> placed.
> Did you have a chance to try them on a different PC or with
> kvm?
> Also there are official debian-live-10.0.0... isos now
> available. :)
> Best wishes
> Michael


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