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A couple of questiosn regarding this file

1st: I am assuming that non-official Debian releases and Debian Derivatives can use this script to customise the image using the line
"chroot ${rootdir} apt-get -y install initramfs-tools live-boot live-config ${LWR_TASK_PACKAGES} ${LWR_EXTRA_PACKAGES} task-laptop task-english libnss-myhostname"

For example I have meta-packages which are equivalent to Debian's native task packages but they are localised to the regions of Australasia and Oceania. I am assuming that all I need to do is change that line to something like
chroot ${rootdir} apt-get -y install initramfs-tools live-boot live-config ${LWR_TASK_PACKAGES} ${LWR_EXTRA_PACKAGES} task-laptop task-english cobber-task-oceania libnss-myhostname
for live-wrapper to pull in my oceanic specific customisations and install them in the live image. Is that correct?

2nd: Is the line
prepare_apt_source "${LWR_MIRROR}" "${LWR_DISTRIBUTION}"
open to changes? In other words can I add a 3rd party repository here and have live-wrapper access it and pull in the packages (along with depends and recommends) from this 3rd party repository as well as the native Debian repository? example
prepare_apt_source "http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/" "stable"


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