excluding packages
I'm using live-build 4.0.3-1 on jessie to build the GnuPG Clean Room
live image[1]
The script I use for the build is in an alioth repository[2] - direct
link to script[3]
I want to exclude the isc-dhcp-client package to try and ensure the live
image doesn't get a network connection
I tried using the pinning technique, creating a file
config/apt/preferences with the following content:
Package: isc-dhcp-client
Pin: version *
Pin-Priority: -1
I also tried putting it in config/chroot_apt/preferences (suggested by a
discussion I saw in an online forum)
It doesn't appear to have any impact, the live image always has the
isc-dhcp-client package.
How can I exclude it?
1. https://wiki.debian.org/OpenPGP/CleanRoomLiveEnvironment
2. https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/make-pgp-clean-room.git/
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