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Bug#715186: support loop-mounted iso on same partition as persistence

I have been doing this since Debian Squeeze with a patched
9990-misc-helpers in my live initrd. I can use (optionally) a
single-partition live usb with RW access and a persistence file.

It is activated only if "mountmode=rw,noatime" is on cmdline. I never
had any problem with this (although some use cases might) there fore
it is not "default"

 I posted this here before but there was no positive interest. Anyway,
here is my latest (done with diff -u) for live-boot_1:20160511
--- 9990-misc-helpers.sh.original	2016-05-11 14:44:15.000000000 +0100
+++ 9990-misc-helpers.sh	2016-05-13 14:12:33.948155440 +0100
@@ -2,6 +2,30 @@
 #set -e
+## Patched for version: live-boot-1:20160511
+## New cmdline parameter " mountmode=rw"
+## Overrides the live-media partition default RO mount
+## Then the partition containing the live-media will be writable
+## Persistent loopback files in the same partition should then work
+## If " mountmode=rw" is not specified:
+## No changes will be made to original defaults (ro,noatime)
+## PATCH (addition to support rw mount of live-media partition) ##
+if cat /proc/cmdline|grep -q "mountmode=rw" ; then
+	custom_mountmode=rw,noatime
+	echo -e "\n Custom mount options were selected"
+	echo -e " The live-media device will be mounted ${custom_mountmode} \n"
+	sleep 2
+# else live-media partition mount opts default to "ro,noatime"
+## PATCH end ##
@@ -126,6 +150,26 @@
 				mkdir /live/fromiso
 				mount -t $fs_type "$ISO_DEVICE" /live/fromiso
+## PATCH (addition to support rw mount of live-media partition) ##
+					## custom_mountmode: if set, remount /live/fromiso
+					if [ -n "${custom_mountmode}" ]; then
+							if [ "$fstype" = "vfat" ]; then
+								custom_mountopts=rw,noatime,umask=000
+							else
+								custom_mountopts=${custom_mountmode}
+							fi
+						umount /live/fromiso
+						mount -t ${fstype} -o ${custom_mountopts} "$ISO_DEVICE" /live/fromiso
+					fi
+## PATCH end
 				ISO_NAME="$(echo $FROMISO | sed "s|$ISO_DEVICE||")"
 				loopdevname=$(setup_loop "/live/fromiso/${ISO_NAME}" "loop" "/sys/block/loop*" "" '')
@@ -196,6 +240,26 @@
 		devuid=$(blkid -o value -s UUID "$devname")
 		[ -n "$devuid" ] && grep -qs "\<$devuid\>" /var/lib/live/boot/devices-already-tried-to-mount && continue
 		mount -t ${fstype} -o ro,noatime "${devname}" ${mountpoint} || continue
+## PATCH (addition to support rw mount of live-media partition) ##
+			## custom_mountmode: if set, remount the live-media device
+			## but only if is_live_path (we might be "findiso")
+			if is_live_path ${mountpoint} &&  [ -n "${custom_mountmode}" ]; then
+					if [ "$fstype" = "vfat" ]; then
+						custom_mountopts=rw,noatime,umask=000
+					else
+						custom_mountopts=${custom_mountmode}
+					fi
+				umount ${mountpoint}
+				mount -t ${fstype} -o ${custom_mountopts} "${devname}" ${mountpoint} || continue
+			fi
+## PATCH end
 		[ -n "$devuid" ] && echo "$devuid" >> /var/lib/live/boot/devices-already-tried-to-mount
 		if [ -n "${FINDISO}" ]
@@ -205,6 +269,25 @@
 				umount ${mountpoint}
 				mkdir -p /live/findiso
 				mount -t ${fstype} -o ro,noatime "${devname}" /live/findiso
+## PATCH (addition to support rw mount of live-media partition) ##
+				## custom_mountmode: if set, remount /live/findiso
+				if [ -n "${custom_mountmode}" ]; then
+						if [ "$fstype" = "vfat" ]; then
+							custom_mountopts=rw,noatime,umask=000
+						else
+							custom_mountopts=${custom_mountmode}
+						fi
+					umount /live/findiso
+					mount -t ${fstype} -o ${custom_mountopts} "${devname}" /live/findiso || continue
+				fi
+## PATCH end
 				loopdevname=$(setup_loop "/live/findiso/${FINDISO}" "loop" "/sys/block/loop*" 0 "")
 				mount -t iso9660 -o ro,noatime "${devname}" ${mountpoint}
@@ -719,6 +802,26 @@
 	mkdir -p "${backing}"
 	old_backing="$(where_is_mounted ${device})"
+## PATCH (addition to support rw mount of live-media partition) ##
+	## custom_mountmode: (only if) is set rw
+	## set ${backing} and stop if live-media device is already mounted
+	##
+	if [ -n "${custom_mountmode}" ]; then
+		if [ "${old_backing}" = "/live/findiso" ] || [ "${old_backing}" = "/live/fromiso" ] || [ "${old_backing}" = "/live/medium" ]
+		then
+			backing=${old_backing}
+			echo ${backing}
+			return 0
+		fi
+	fi
+## PATCH end
 	if [ -z "${old_backing}" ]
 		fstype="$(get_fstype ${device})"
@@ -1031,6 +1134,19 @@
 		black_listed_devices="${black_listed_devices} $(what_is_mounted_on d)"
+## PATCH (addition to support rw mount of live-media partition) ##
+	## custom_mountmode: If used with persistence, unset black_listed_devices
+	## persistence files in the live-media partition can then be used (but note warning above)
+	if cat /proc/cmdline|grep -q " persistence" && [ -n "${custom_mountmode}" ]; then
+		black_listed_devices=""
+	fi
+## PATCH end
 	for dev in $(storage_devices "${black_listed_devices}" "${white_listed_devices}")
 		local result luks_device

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