On continuing to provide support, including filing bugs
On Nov 12, 2015 2:12 PM, Richard Nelson <unixabg@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 7:17 AM, Radovan Makovsky
<radovan.makovsky@gmail.com> wrote:
>> i tried several times to build netinst package through the web, but i
>> only get hybrid-iso packages. I'm not sure if it is bug or im doing
>> something wrong. When i build packages on my own machine the output is
>> different.
>> Build options:
>> Build result:
>> http://cgi.build.live-systems.org/build/20151112.124203.522719355/
>> and i beleive that there should be present:
>> live-image-amd64.netboot.tar
>> but there are only iso hybrid packages
> You are correct and it is a bug. Please do not waste time reporting at
BTS, see why below. Anyhow for now I have attempted to correct the issue
for you.
As it has no been settled what the future status of live-build,
including live-build-cgi, will be, nor the timeframe of any potential
changes of its status, filing bugs is still welcome and the software
itself will continue to be supported so long as it remains in the
archive. That's separate from the termination of the service hosted
presently on live.debian.net which, as you rightly point out will be
shut down shortly. A sad moment.
It is my hope there will be sufficient interest going forward in
maintaining a similar service elsewhere, but that is only a hope and not
a guarantee. Meanwhile let's not discourage filing bugs on software that
remains in Debian and still has users.
And thanks for providing support with this issue. Let's continue to do
what we can throughout this troubling time of change to support our users.
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