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Bug#718225: live-build should authenticate files it downloads

Updated archive of full set of commits attached, including two new ones.

 - Commits #01-08 : A copy of the original set build against LB 5.x
 - Commit #09: Fix handling of return codes (previously submitted
earlier today)
 - Commit #10: Fix incorrect usage tracking logic (new)
 - Commit #11: Fix broken file purge ability (new)
 - Commit #12: Fix wrong usage string in new file (previously submitted)
 - Commit #13: Promote gpgv dependency (previously submitted)

Aside from the patch tweaking error return code handling submitted
earlier today, when testing that new patch, I tried the code against a
set of cached files, including a few random ones which I deliberately
corrupted. Previously I had tried one corrupt file, which must have only
been the file targeted for download, which it had corrected perfectly,
but I must have not tested with other cached but corrupted files in the
verification chain, because doing so now it didn't work as expected.
They were picked up as invalid, it attempted to purge files used from
the cache, performing a second chance routine, but unfortunately there
was a bug in the purge code preventing file deletion, and a flaw in the
usage tracking logic, so it redownloaded the target file, but failed to
replace other files in the verification chain, reusing the corrupt
copies, failing the second chance verification, and thus halting the
build process.

All of that is fixed now though with the few small additional commits
added to the attached set :)

Attachment: 718225_lb5.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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