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mkfs.btrfs not working ok on Debian Live (chroot?)

What I am using

I am using: live-build 3.0.5-1 in Wheezy in order to build a Debian Live cd (Rescatux 0.32b1). This cd has: btrfs-tools installed so that I can use: mkfs.btrfs .

About the problem I'm seeing
The problem I have found comes when using:

mkfs.btrfs /dev/sdc1 # Adapt to your device

The error says:

error checking /dev/sdc1 mount status

The workaround
By using strace I have detected a file / path that was trying to check. I just recreate it so that it works.

The file is: /live/medium/live/filesystem.squashfs

My workaround is (I guess it would work the same just by touching it as a file and not linking to a directory):

mkdir --parents /live/medium/live
ln -s /lib/live/mount/rootfs/filesystem.squashfs /live/medium/live/filesystem.squashfs

Some thoughts
According to: https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/449001/ (which it's a patch not found on Wheezy) and http://marc.info/?l=linux-btrfs&m=129681265301384&w=2 it would seem the problem about using a chroot.

My question is if it's ok or if I should raise a bug against live-build because the ISO should work in a way that it's more similar to an installed system than it currently is.

I don't have the missing file in my /proc/mounts . My suspicion is that somehow mkfs.btrfs gets that missing file (or path) from the /proc/mounts file which it's found outside the chroot. Or maybe talking directly to the kernel.

Does it make any sense to anyone of you?

Thank you.

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