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Re: Preseed\Livecd issue

Thanks so much for asking this.

Now I have Live Build working in Jessie I am about to start on preseeding so I am interested
in any helpful replies you get. I want to preseed language/country and keyboard (nothing much) when the
image is installed to the computer so the user doesn't have to wade through a list of English speaking countries
(di defaults to the USA for English and Australia is at the other end of the list). Sorting out the preseed contents is done
I just need to know where to put it for it to work

On 5 October 2014 10:23, Zed <zed@lilypadmudlib.com> wrote:
I’ve run into a few small snags that has me perplexed currently, and I hope someone can lend a hand.

My live-build completes, and the ISO boots. Once the Live session has started, this is where I see two strange behaviors. 

1.  The desktop icon for the debian-installer-launcher that I have used for many past build no longer appears on the livecd desktop.
2.  When I DO launch the debian-live-installer from the livecd (as the icon is in the System menu), it launches but does not read ANYTHING from my pressed, but if I boot to the installer or graphical installer, the pressed works exactly as expected. 

debian-installer-shorcut.desktop file is located:  config/includes.chroot/usr/share/applications/debian-installer-launcher.desktop

debian-installer-launcher.desktop contents:

[Desktop Entry]


Name=Install Lilypad Linux

Comment=Install this system permanently to your hard disk

Exec=su-to-root -X -c /usr/sbin/debian-installer-launcher






Preseed.cfg location:  config/includes.installer/preseed.cfg

Other location tried:



config/includes.binary/preseed.cfg (then adding file=/preseed.cfg to boot menu config)

When I boot to the livecd and search for the pressed, it is on the livecd, but the desktop link ignores it completely.

config/includes.binary/install/preseed.cfg (then adding file=/install/preseed.cfg to boot menu config)

When I boot to the livecd and search for the pressed, it is on the livecd, but the desktop link ignores it completely.

I do hope someone has some ideas on what I can try next. I have even removed all packages with the exception of desktop-base, and a dm\wm (tried various combinations with no luck). Even with just the basics, I can not get the pressed to be read when booted into the live session, and the desktop icon has just stopped working.

Thanks all, and let me know if you need additional details.



Zed (Devin)

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