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live-manual: bug in persistence-label explanation


I'm writing to the list so that this information can be easily found
in case it cannot be fixed in time for the release.

Ed Dixon pointed out that the explanation in live-manual 3.0.1-1
(current wheezy) about how to use persistence-label=  was not correct:


The information on the live-boot man page is correct, but not in
live-manual. See this commit:


One possible fix, with a much longer explanation, is in the
live-manual debian-next branch:


The problem with this commit is that it is translated into French,
Catalan and Spanish but *not yet* into Italian.

A faster way of fixing it would be to simply substitute, in the current document

"persistence-private" for "private"
"persistence-work " for "work"

and "persistence-subText" for "subText" (or maybe use different names
but without the persistence- prefix)

This wouldn't need translators intervention at all.

It would be good to have it fixed in wheezy for the release, if
possible, or perhaps in one of the point releases. Let me know if I
can do anything, like pushing the fix to the debian-old-3.0 branch or
simply file a bug. I think that this is not a big problem but it is
important that it is known especially for users or those involved in
user support.

Thank you very much.


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