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Re: Debian Live 7.0: 7.0~b4 released

On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 11:11 AM, Daniel Baumann
<daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net> wrote:
> On 01/22/2013 10:34 AM, Jean-Christophe Saint-Marc wrote:
>> After removing /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sid-list, I noticed that
>> libdb5.3, iptables and rygel are from sid.
> interesting; although we're including live-* from sid by default on the
> pre-releases for wheezy until live-* has migrated, however, no other package
> from sid should be included (see apt pinning).
> this isn't really an issue regarding the wheezy release per se, as we will
> not be pinning in live-* packages from sid there anymore but use everything
> straight out of wheezy, but it's a 'glitch' that shouldn't happen in the
> first place. i'll see if i'll find out why that happened (my guess would be
> some sort of bug in apt, since the live-build handling for this is pretty
> solid).

ok. You are absolutely right that this behaviour will not affect the
final wheezy images but let's see if I can shed some light on this

Several days ago I was building a really *huge* image for my
neighbour's kid (14yo). I wanted to show him just how *cool* debian
could be and I included every fun package that I could think of from a
teenager's point of view (audacity, mixxx, supertux, gnash ... well
every single thing). I pinned live-* packages from sid but I was a bit
confused here because live-manual says "*for* build time and *for* run
time" I decided to go the "build time" road thinking that the pinning
preferences wouldn't be included in the resulting binary image, since
booting the image would mean "run time". Personally I had tested apt
pinning before but for a completely different reason.

(Clarification: I thought to myself that in case there was some kind
of bug the kid wouldn't be installing a bunch of packages from sid
that could end up breaking the system real  bad so I wanted to remove
the preferences and the sid.list file.)

Much to my  surprise the preferences ended up in the binary.img At
first I thought to myself "This must be a bug" I want the pinning
*for* build time (to install the packages from sid at build time) but
I do not want them *for* run time. After all, I suppose he will get
tired after the thrill is gone. But thanks to Daniel (on irc) I
realized that that procedure would not be correct. The "build time"
and "run time" are not two different things, they are too ways of
achieving the same goal. Thanks for that Daniel. I checked and
re-checked the scripts trying to find an unexisting bug :(

(As a result I think it would be good to use a different preposition
instead of "for" perhaps "at" or "during" but since prepositions are
so tricky in all the languages that I know I prefer to have the
opinion of a native speaker here, just for clarification.)

But well, here we go, at last, straight to the point: I booted an
standard image http://live.debian.net/cdimage/release/next/i386/iso-hybrid/debian-wheezy-live-b4-i386-standard.iso
and I believe that all other images will show a similar issue.

There is a sid repository in sources.list.d (so far so good)

$ cat sources.list.d/sid.list
deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian sid main

But there is no "preferences" file at all under "/etc/apt/" or in
"preferences.d" (empty dir)

$ ls /etc/apt
apt.conf.d listchanges.conf preferences.d sources.list sources.list.d
trustdb.gpg trusted.gpg trusted.gpg.d

$ ls prefrerences.d

So I imagine that the sid repo is used at build time (and run time as
well) and since there are no pinning preferences in the b4 images
and apt prefers the highest versions of packages it might be
installing a bunch of packages from sid. Since there is not a huge
difference between unstable and testing as of now due to the freezing
state, it might have gone unnoticed until you guys spotted that.

Like I said, this is just a wild guess, but I think it makes sense.

Sorry again for the extra long and perhaps unnecessary explanation and
even more so if this makes no sense at all. Anyway, my intentions are
good (/me puts a halo around his head)

Have a beautiful weekend.


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