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live-build: predefined lists -> metapackages and --config <git-repo>

As any live-build 3.x alpha release user knows, being in alpha stage of development means dealing
with change: watching the changelog, checking doc updates, and changing your live config to reflect
the latest changes, but this particular change is a big break with how things worked in the past, so
I thought it worth particularly mentioning in case you've gotten lazy about checking these things
and overlook it, wasting your time in the process.

With the release of Wheezy looming nearer, I have started another iteration updating live-manual to
reflect what is supported as of the latest release (3.0~a56-1 at time of writing this). The most
important change is at a55 we dropped predefined package lists. These are superceded by simply
including metapackages in your package lists. I offer this already updated section to learn about
the change:


The rest of the manual has many references to "-p kde" or "--package-lists gnome" or "predefined
lists" or tasks that are no longer accurate for the current version and which I will update shortly.

I would also like to highlight the highly useful and not yet fully documented "--config <git-repo>"
option. See the repos prefixed "config-" listed here for some you can use:



$ mkdir live-gnome
$ cd live-gnome
$ lb config --config git://live.debian.net/git/config-gnome-desktop.git

This provides you with a useful starting point based on the same configs we will use for the
official images in the upcoming wheezy release.

This, too, will go into the doc shortly. You'll find this particularly helpful if you used to use -p
rescue, since that was a predefined list that isn't covered by a metapackage within debian (yet ...
personally, I think it should be).


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