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[live-build]Trying to build rt system

Good morning,

I try to build a rt system with a backports' rt kernel:
on a amd64.

The building is OK but when I start the liveUSB here is the messages:

mount aufs on /root/ failed with option -o noatime,noxino,dirs=/cow/=rw://filesystem.squashfs/=rr+wh
modprobe: module i8042 not found in modules.dep
modprobe: module atkbd not found in modules.dep
/bin/sh:can't access tty; job control turned off

here's my config script:

lb config noauto \
--distribution "wheezy" \
--archive-area "main contrib non-free" \
--linux-pachages "linux-image-3.2.0-0.bpo.2-rt" \
--mirror-bootstrap "http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian"; \
--mirror-chroot-security="http://security.debian.org"; \
--mirror-binary="http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian"; \
--mirror-binary-security="http://security.debian.org"; \
--bootappend-live "locales=fr_FR.UTF-8 keyboard-layouts=fr timezone=Europe/Paris quiet threadirqs" \
--interactive=true \

does someone can help me ?

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