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package-lists and 3.0~a57


package lists doesn't seem to be recognized in latest git
repo. Docuementations state it's an option. 

   # lb -v

   # mkdir debian-package
   # cd debian-package
   # lb config
   [2012-08-11 16:26:52] lb_config 
   P: Considering defaults defined in /etc/live/build.conf
   P: Creating config tree for a debian/i386 system

   create auto/config

   # emacs auto/config
   # chmod +x auto/config
   # cat auto/config 
   lb config noauto \
	--package-lists "standard" \

   # lb config
   [2012-08-11 16:27:13] lb_config 
   P: Executing auto/config script.
   [2012-08-11 16:27:13] lb_config noauto --package-lists standard
   lb config: unrecognized option '--package-lists'

is it a bug in lb or in documentation?


Sandro Dentella  *:-)
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