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[PATCH] fix unionfs-fuse support, remove is_nice_device cruft


I finally managed to make unionfs-fuse work.  This uses the chroot=
option and some bind-mounting, similar to what is done in the example
file /usr/share/doc/unionfs-fuse/examples/S01a-unionfs-fuse-live-cd.sh
that ships with the unionfs-fuse package.  

You can pull the changes from git://github.com/dvdkhlng/live-boot.git
commit: ebcce83a8cc72f567829.

I also had a longer look at the evolution of the is_nice_device()
function (which originated as is_usb_device() in casper).  This looks
like cruft, without any use nowadays.  The commit log has a long comment
why I think the removal was correct.

These cruft-removal/cleanup commits are:


And there is also 5f4fb42aca7c27b0729a that adds a smart comment that
makes Emacs honour your indentation style (would you want to commit

These are independent from the unionfs-fuse stuff, but I hope you merge
them anyways.

Now maybe next time I should split different commit groups into
'branches' or is there some other nice alternative to listing commit
hashes?  Still new to git and learning.



PS: you can browse the commits at:
GnuPG public key: http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~dvdkhlng/dk.gpg
Fingerprint: B17A DC95 D293 657B 4205  D016 7DEF 5323 C174 7D40

Attachment: pgpY2gvpzgg4P.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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