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live-boot from a jffs partition


i'm planning to use live-boot together with multistrap to build firmware
images for an embedded debian application.  

The only storage available are a few 100 mb of mtd flash.  So we plan to
use a jffs partition on mtd, containing the /live directory with a
squashfs image.  This way flash isn't written during normal operation.
Also firmware-ugrades could be done safely by downloading new images to
some directory, then quasi-atomically renaming it to /live when done.

Going over the live-boot scripts, I just noticed that it uses 'blkid' to
detect file-systems, with no way to override the result:

scripts/live  (check_dev()):

  fstype=$(get_fstype "${devname}")


  get_fstype ()
          /sbin/blkid -s TYPE -o value $1 2>/dev/null

Unfortunately blkid does not seem to support jffs2 file-system, so no
way to boot directly from mtd flash?  

Am I overlooking something?  What would be the best way to fix that?


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