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Bug#612330: Processed: Re: Processed: Re: Bug#612330: [general] Debian Live fails to restart

retitle 612330 please disable kexec-tools on default desktop images
severity 612330 normal
tag 612330 pending

we already discussed this today on irc:


2011-02-07 08:26:51 < dbkblk> hello
2011-02-07 08:27:10 < dbkblk> is there someone here ? i need to report a
bug about debian live
2011-02-07 08:27:29 < dba> yes?
2011-02-07 08:28:13 < dbkblk> I've tried the new live cd of Debian live
(and the previous beta versions), and i noticed that, since the RC1, the
live cd don't want to reboot
2011-02-07 08:28:32 < dba> which image did you try?
2011-02-07 08:28:40 < dbkblk> i cannot use it to install a system
because it leaves useless packages installed
2011-02-07 08:28:53 < dbkblk> (like kexec and many config files)
2011-02-07 08:29:10 < dba> kexec isn't installed by default
2011-02-07 08:29:21 -!- delby (New Now Know How)
[~chatzilla@5ad14674.bb.sky.com] has joined #debian-live
2011-02-07 08:29:25 < dbkblk> I tried the last one, 6.0
2011-02-07 08:29:32 < dbkblk> downloaded yesterday
2011-02-07 08:29:38 < dba> which one, which flavour in particular?
2011-02-07 08:30:01 < dbkblk> debian-live-6.0.0-amd64-gnome-desktop
2011-02-07 08:30:49 < dbkblk> i tried some weeks ago to install it on a
pc but Debian didn't reboot properly
2011-02-07 08:30:49 < dba> i stand corrected, it has kexec installed
2011-02-07 08:30:56 < dba> the gnome-desktop task pulls it in somehow)
2011-02-07 08:31:13 < dbkblk> it try to shutdown but once finished, it
launch the kernel again
2011-02-07 08:31:19 < dbkblk> ok
2011-02-07 08:31:22 < twb> dbkblk: that's because kexec-tools is installed?
2011-02-07 08:31:25 < dba> regarding kexec: there are some older
machines (>8 years) that don't work,
2011-02-07 08:31:30 < dbkblk> so i may need to report a bug
2011-02-07 08:31:35 < twb> dba: yeah, I noticed that
2011-02-07 08:31:35 < dba> and some newer ones that have bios bugs.
2011-02-07 08:31:43 < twb> dba: something like pm-utils recommends it
2011-02-07 08:31:51 < dbkblk> except, i tried just today, to try it
again with virtualbox
2011-02-07 08:31:57 < dba> in those cases, you need to remove
kexec-tools, or disable it (dpkg-reconfigure kexec-tools), or use
2011-02-07 08:32:00 < twb> "aptitude why kexec-tools" on the host in
question will tell you why
2011-02-07 08:32:01 < dba> 'coldreboot' instead of reboot.
2011-02-07 08:32:05 < dbkblk> and the live cd won't reboot neither
2011-02-07 08:32:26 < dba> dbkblk: well, it's all the same.. if your
machine doesn't work with kexec, it will not work on any reboots.
2011-02-07 08:32:58 < dba> dbkblk: however, the correct fix is to either
not recommend kexec-tools by any package,
2011-02-07 08:33:04 < dba> or, that kexec-tools is not enabled by default.
2011-02-07 08:33:19 < dbkblk> wait a sec, i check it on vbox
2011-02-07 08:33:41 < twb> dba: debian-installer-launcher recommends it
2011-02-07 08:34:00 < dbkblk> i was going to say it ^^
2011-02-07 08:34:11 < twb> Which is why it was only affecting the
desktop images
2011-02-07 08:34:16 < dba> oh, indeed. we experimented with a kexec
backend for it.
2011-02-07 08:34:29 < dba> i apparently forgot to remove the recommends :(
2011-02-07 08:34:48 < twb> Hehe
2011-02-07 08:35:00 < dba> for the future, i think we're going to
disable kexec in the -desktop images then.
2011-02-07 08:35:02 < twb> Sorry I forgot to tell you a couple of weeks
ago, when I saw it
2011-02-07 08:35:24 < dbkblk> i tried to remove it on the desktop base i
used to test it, and it worked
2011-02-07 08:35:31 < dba> dbkblk: what machine is it that is failing
for you anyways?
2011-02-07 08:36:20 < dbkblk> but, obviously, it doesn't seem as stable
as the normal install to me. I don't know why. Are the config file the
same with this kind of install ?
2011-02-07 08:37:01 < dbkblk> Actually, i'm on my laptop, but the pc i
tried is a i686 PIV 2,8ghz with 3gb RAM
2011-02-07 08:37:12 < dba> the live image is, apart from that
kexec-tools gets pulled in,
2011-02-07 08:37:21 < dbkblk> so the bug also affect 32bits !
2011-02-07 08:37:38 < dba> the same as if you would install from a
regular d-i cd and choosing the same desktop task.
2011-02-07 08:37:46 < dba> the bug is not in 32 or 64bit, it's in your bios.
2011-02-07 08:37:51 < dbkblk> okay.
2011-02-07 08:38:10 < dbkblk> because it cannot handle kexec ?
2011-02-07 08:38:31 < dba> yes
2011-02-07 08:39:03 < dbkblk> ok thanks, so i just need to remove it,
and i will have a fresh regular desktop
2011-02-07 08:39:20 < dba> yes.


2011-02-07 08:41:27 < dbkblk> oh, i forgot a thing about kexec
2011-02-07 08:41:47 < dbkblk> why Virtualbox cannot handle it neither if
it is a bios problem ?
2011-02-07 08:42:29 -!- plhardy (purple) [~philippe@] has
joined #debian-live
2011-02-07 08:42:35 < dba> because virtualbox has a bios too, and those
are shitty


Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net
Internet:       http://people.progress-technologies.net/~daniel.baumann/

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