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Re: debian live on Mac with Intel processor

On 12/17/2010 10:45 PM, Rob Owens wrote:
I need to do data recovery on a recent Mac that has an Intel processor.
Do I use a regular i386 version of debian live,

depends on how recent, you might be able to use amd64 too.

or is there something special about the Macs?

apart from the usual troubles with apple hardware, debian-live wise it works well as long as you can boot regular mbrs with it, or, as a fallback, use an optical device. efi isn't supported yet in syslinux, and live-build doesn't support combined gpt/mbr disk layouts.

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net
Internet:       http://people.progress-technologies.net/~daniel.baumann/

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