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lh build does not create a regular user

Good evening-

lh build is not creating (by default) a regular username: user

I have had to follow instructions at (

Q: How do I change root or any user password?

A: Add a chroot local hook script to change root or any user password
each time you build an image.

e.g. config/chroot_local-hooks/01-update_password.sh to set root
password to "nopasswd"
echo "I: update password"
echo "root:nopasswd" | chpasswd

$ chmod +x config/chroot_local-hooks/01-update_password.sh

because the directory: "live-bottom" nor file: "10adduser" in the
subsequent instructions do not even exist:



mkdir -p config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/live-bottom/
cp /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/live-bottom/10adduser
Then edit the config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/live-bottom/10adduser
and paste in the new user_crypted password that you make with echo
"newlivepass" | mkpasswd -s .

Or add an hook file in config/chroot_local-hooks/ with something like the below:
# Change the autogenerated user password to "debianlive"
password=$(echo "${plain_password}" | mkpasswd -s)
sed -i -e 's/\(user_crypted=\)\(.*\)\( #.*\)/\1\"'${password}'\"\3/'
update-initramfs -tu -kall
The latter (hook model) could be more future proof than the former
solution since it modifies just one string selectively but it requires
the package "whois" to be installed on the target system (for
mkpasswd) or that you generate the $password string not at build time
and include it crypted in the above script.

Best Professional Regards.

Jose R R
IBM Lotus Symphony supported on GNU/Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.
Daylight Saving Time in USA & Canada starts: Sunday 08 March 2010

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