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[debian-live] adding geda package kills kate package


I am trying to add packages to a basic build using the xfce GUI desktop
but, when I try to add new packages, other packages go away.
I have the same problem with kde but I am testing with xfce because it takes
less that half the time for a build iteration.
My build platform is Kubuntu 8.4.
I am leaving packages in the cache to reduce download time.
I do not see what my problem is.

If the following line (about line #46 in the script below) is commented out,
        lh_config --packages geda
the system builds with xfce and kate installed and working.
The binary.iso is 277,245,952 bytes

If that line is uncommented, geda gets installed (gschem works), but
kate goes away
The binary.iso is 253,863,936 bytes
The fact that the binary.iso file got SMALLER when I ADDED geda gave
the first clue that something was wrong.

What am I doing to cause this?

I tried using tee to capture the output to look for helpful messages
but the file ended up over 3 MBytes long.
I suspect due to the interactive progress displays.
How do I disable the progress displays to keep the tee file size manageable?
How do I recognize that there is a problem with a package/package list?

Also, how do I know when I should be using -p vs. --packages?

It is my assumption that the ORDER of specifying packages should be IRRELEVANT.
Am I wrong about this?




echo "[ test-build-geda.sh ] Keith W. Parker <kwp@pdx.edu>, 2009-04-27,15:38"

echo "************* STARTING lh_config to setup the config directory structure"

# do some cleaning to a known state
rm -Rf .stage
rm -Rf binary
rm -Rf config
rm -Rf chroot
rm binary.iso*
rm lh_build-*

# setup the config directory structure

#re: Debian Live manual ch 5.1 http://live.debian.net/manual/html/packages.html
# --apt apt "Specifying a missing package causes package installation
to fail, ..."
lh_config --apt apt

lh_config --iso-volume TEST-GEDA-PCB
lh_config --hostname test-geda-pcb
lh_config --username tester
lh_config --syslinux-timeout 30

# select a GUI desktop (select one, at most)

echo "************* BEGINING adding GUI desktop *************"

# KDE desktop (does not leave much space)
# lh_config -p kde

# XFCE desktop (saves space for other stuff)
lh_config -p xfce
lh_config --packages kate


echo "************* BEGINING adding test packages *************"

lh_config --packages geda

# lh_config --packages geda-examples

# geda-utils here causes problems
# lh_config --packages geda-utils


#TODO: not needed ????
#lh_config --packages geda-attrib
#lh_config --packages gsymcheck


# lh_config --packages pcb
# lh_config --packages gerbv

echo "************* ENDING adding test packages *************"




# copy our OUTER layer files

# copy our build script, for documentation purposes
cp -p test-build-geda.sh config/binary_local-includes

# copy our outer layer files
#cp -rp ourstuff_files_layer_outer/* config/binary_local-includes

# copy our UPPER outer layer directory
#cp -rp ../EPICS-BENCH-CD-ROM config/binary_local-includes


echo "************* BEGINING lh_build *************"

# stamp the starting time
date >lh_build-BEGIN
cat lh_build-BEGIN

# do the big thing

echo "************* ENDING lh_build *************"

# stamp the finishing time
date >lh_build-END
cat lh_build-END
ls -l binary.iso >binary.iso.ls.txt
cat binary.iso.ls.txt

echo "############################# BUILD FINISHED

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