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Re: reporting live-helper version

Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> The problem is that the version is declared both in functions/common.sh
> and debian/changelog, so it would be nice if they were synchronized.

i'm usually doing this, but last time i forgot :/

> This could be done at package build-time, for example, using
> dpkg-parsechangelog and putting the right version in functions/common.sh
> with sed. If it's ok, I'll write the patch.

i'm not so fond of that, because i'd like live-helper to be the same
*independent* of if it being build as a debian package or just a tarball.

> Other problem: in the --dump option of lh_config, dpkg-query is used for
> getting the version. Isn't that redundant since we already have the
> version explictly declared in the source?

current behaviour is ok. because.. if we are on a debian system, we want
to have the exact version number of the package, which is more accurate
and can be different (backports.org, or if people build custom packages,
or are using git snapshots) than what is in ${VERSION}.

on the other hand, ${VERSION} is required when we can't relay on dpkg
(because someone is building on a non-debian system).


Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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