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xino doesn't support /tmp/.aufs.xino(rootfs)


I'm building netboot image, using live-helper and live-initramfs from
debian sid.

When I tried use "nfscow" option to save changes on nfs dir, I got
"xino doesn't support /tmp/.aufs.xino(rootfs)" error during executing
initrd.  After reading thread
http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=75932 , I added noxino
option to line when aufs was mounted and everything started to work,
but, as I read in aufs manual, this option my cause problems.

Original line from file initramfs-tools/scripts/live:
mount -t ${UNIONTYPE} -o noatime,dirs=/cow=rw:${rofsstring} \
			${UNIONTYPE} "${rootmnt}"

changed line:
mount -t ${UNIONTYPE} -o noxino,noatime,dirs=/cow=rw:${rofsstring} \
			${UNIONTYPE} "${rootmnt}"

In dir /cow is mounted nfs dir and on $rofsstring is mounted squashfs file.

Is it bug and is there any other solution?

Łukasz Oleś

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