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[BINARY-HOOK] Workaround to install from USB to disk in Lenny.


while we wait for Debian 6.0 Squeeze and the new debian-installer
version that will be able to install the live system to disk from an
USB media (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=498143),
and while there is no daily build of debian-installer from svn
available for i386 (http://people.debian.org/~joeyh/d-i/images/daily/)
with all the patches from Chris Lamb applied, here is a *binary hook*
to patch Lenny's default debian-installer on the fly.

This binary hook is adapted from the first and original Chris Lamb
patch (thanks for all your work in svn, Chris). The difference is that
this (is a) *workaround* (and) creates a /hd-media directory if the
installer is in a USB. This /hd-media directory will prevent (fool)
apt-setup, after the system is installed, from trying to umount the

To make this work, save the script and copy it to (this is *not* a chroot hook):


Make it executable. You also must have the live installer enabled:

    lh_config --debian-installer "live"

Rebuild your image binary:

    lh_clean --binary && lh_binary

It was tested and worked with no problems.


Rui M. P. Bernardo

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