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Problems with latest live-helper and backports

Hi all

When I add some backports, the latest git snapshots of live-helper fail:

Here is the added source:
# cat config/chroot_sources/debian-backports.binary
deb http://backports.undebian.org/repositories/backports-other/ ./

When I run the following commands:
# lh config --linux-packages "linux-image-2.6 aufs-modules-2.6"
# lh build

building fails with the following error messages:
Get:9 http://cdn.debian.net lenny/main Packages [6911kB]
Fetched 7408kB in 12s (575kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done
P: Deconfiguring file /etc/apt/apt.conf
P: Deconfiguring file /etc/hostname
P: Deconfiguring file /bin/hostname
P: Deconfiguring file /etc/resolv.conf
P: Deconfiguring file /etc/hosts
P: Deconfiguring file /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
P: Deconfiguring file /etc/debian_chroot
P: Begin unmounting /sys...
P: Begin unmounting /selinux...
P: Begin unmounting /proc...
umount: /tmp/livehelpertest/chroot/proc: device is busy
umount: /tmp/livehelpertest/chroot/proc: device is busy
P: Begin unmounting filesystems...

Checking with lsof reveals that rsyslogd is the culprit:
# lsof | grep chroot/proc
rsyslogd  14186        root   19r      REG        0,3         0
4026531848 /tmp/livehelpertest/chroot/proc/kmsg

So, either rsyslogd from backports needs a fix or live-helper can fix
the problem generally by checking for mounts in the chroot, killing all
processes and umounting before continuing.

Best regards


Ronny Standtke                 Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Dozent Medienpädagogik / ICT   Pädagogische Hochschule
Telefon: +41 32 627 92 47      Obere Sternengasse 7
Mobil  : +41 79 786 81 82      4502 Solothurn

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