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Re: Small addition to manual

Maximilian Weigand wrote:
> Hello,


> The manual is relatively empty and I would like to contribute a few
> lines to it where it's possible for me.

most welcome ;)

> Is the you of the "FIXME" correct ?

it's better to not add a fixme but add the intended text in the first
place, but it's also better to add a fixme rather than nothing i guess,
so other people can follow up on it. however, i think it's better to do
the fixmes in the docbook as comments, so that they are visible in the
generated html/pdf exports.

> This leads me to the question if such contribution is welcomed ?


> Is it too much effort for you to review those patches ?

not at all, it takes much less time to review it than to write it from
scratch. however, note that you can commit/apply patches yourself, see
' Applying patches' in the manual.

+If you want to use the remaining free space after after you have
installed the <filename>binary.img</filename>, you can use fdisk or
cfdisk to create a new partition on the stick. The first partition will
be used by the Debian Live system.

be more generic:

[..] you can use a partitioning tool such as cfdisk to [...]

however, i think we should recommend using parted and/or it's frontend
gparted to users, eventhough those are non-essential packages and
possibly have to be installed first by the user.

+After the creation of the partition you have to create a file system on
it. One possible choice would be ext2 (ext3 isn't recommended because
the journaling causes too much writes to the stick).

iirc, we write 'filesystem' and not 'file system'. please check with
other occurances in the manual if i'm right or not :)

+<important>Remember: Every time you install a new binary.img on the
stick, your data partition will be lost because the binary.img
overwrites the MBR.

[...], all your data will be lost because the image includes a complete
partition table.

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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