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Re: Updating squashfs filesystem

Cyril Jaquier wrote:
> Hi all,


> interface. Is it possible to replace a squashfs file at runtime?

I personally didn't try it yet on the fly yet, so no idea if it really
works or not.

> 1/ remount /live/image as rw
> 2/ copy the new squashfs image over /live/image/live/filesystem.squashfs
> 3/ copy the new kernel and initrd
> 4/ remount /live/image as ro
> 5/ reboot

given that all other approaches suck that come to mind right now
(storing new filesystem on different name on the cf card, and moving it
at boot time - possibly needs a lot of free space; or booting in
'firmware update modus' prior actual update aka toram, where the cf card
wouldn't be used at all anymore and where one could directly
rsync/copy/unpack the new filesystem over the old one - possibly needs a
lot of free ram), i would if i were you just try it out and report back
if it works or not :P


Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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