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how to add user to "fuse" group?

hello maybe, and list,

may be the most coherent form to do that is modifying the live-initramfs 
package, when it creates the live user

developping that idea,
add a variable in live.conf

USER_DEFAULT_GROUPS="audio cdrom dialout floppy video plugdev netdev powerdev"
and modify the script

with some code like that:

user_crypted="8Ab05sVQ4LLps" # as in $(echo "live" | mkpasswd -s)
[ -n "${USER_DEFAULT_GROUPS}" ] && user_default_groups="set passwd/user-default-groups $(echo "${USER_DEFAULT_GROUPS}" | tr -s "," " ")"

# U6aMy0wojraho is just a blank password
chroot /root debconf-communicate -fnoninteractive live-initramfs > /dev/null << EOF
set passwd/make-user true
set passwd/root-password-crypted *
set passwd/user-password-crypted ${user_crypted}
set passwd/user-fullname ${USERFULLNAME}
set passwd/username ${USERNAME}
set passwd/user-uid 999

chroot /root /usr/bin/env -i HOME="/root" \
	TERM="${TERM}" PATH="/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" \
	/usr/lib/user-setup/user-setup-apply > /dev/null

# Clear out debconf database again to avoid confusing ubiquity later.
[ -n "${user_default_groups}" ] && user_default_groups="set passwd/user-default-groups audio cdrom dialout floppy video plugdev netdev powerdev"
chroot /root debconf-communicate -fnoninteractive live-initramfs > /dev/null << EOF
set passwd/make-user
set passwd/root-password-crypted
set passwd/user-password-crypted
set passwd/user-fullname
set passwd/username
set passwd/user-uid

Don't specify the variable if you want the default user groups,
and specify all the user groups you want when changing that.


Jordi Pujol

El Sunday 10 February 2008 18:40:23 maybeway36 va escriure:
> I am making a live CD based on debian-live, and wanted to include
> sshfs (for transferring large files over an ssh connection.) However,
> this means the live CD user must be in the "fuse" group, and I haven't
> found a way to make that happen automatically. I've tried
> chroot_local-hooks and
> chroot_local-includes/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/99something,
> but to no avail.
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