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Bug#494548: [l10n] Czech translation for live-magic

Package: live-magic
Severity: wishlist
Tags: l10n, patch


in attachement there is Czech (cs.po) translation of live-magic.
Please include it with the package.

Miroslav Kure
-------------- next part --------------
# Czech translation of live-magic.
# This file is put in the public domain.
# Miroslav Kure <kurem at debian.cz>, 2008.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-magic\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: chris at chris-lamb.co.uk\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-08-09 23:23+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-08-10 14:53+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Miroslav Kure <kurem at debian.cz>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech <debian-l10n-czech at lists.debian.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: LiveMagic/views/wizard.py:31 LiveMagic/views/wizard.py:210
msgid "Debian Live Magic"
msgstr "Debian Live Magic"

#: LiveMagic/views/wizard.py:40
msgid "About"
msgstr "O programu"

#: LiveMagic/views/wizard.py:196
msgid "Are you sure you wish to cancel?"
msgstr "Jste si jisti, ?e chcete proces zru?it?"

#: LiveMagic/views/wizard.py:211
msgid "GUI tool to build Debian Live systems."
msgstr "Grafick? n?stroj pro vytv??en? debian?ch live syst?m?."

#: LiveMagic/views/wizard.py:215
msgid "Debian Live homepage"
msgstr "Domovsk? str?nka Debian Live"

#: LiveMagic/controllers/wizard.py:57
msgid "Enter your password to continue"
msgstr "Pro pokra?ov?n? zadejte heslo"

#: LiveMagic/controllers/wizard.py:58
msgid ""
"Debian Live Magic requires superuser capabilities to build your Debian Live "
msgstr ""
"Debian Live Magic vy?aduje pro sestaven? live syst?mu superu?ivatelsk? "

#: LiveMagic/controllers/build.py:59
msgid "Error creating Debian Live system!"
msgstr "Chyba p?i vytv??en? live syst?mu!"

#: LiveMagic/controllers/build.py:82
msgid "Cleaning build system"
msgstr "?ist? se sestavovac? syst?m"

#: LiveMagic/controllers/build.py:83
msgid "Purging unnecessary parts of the build system..."
msgstr "?ist? se zbyte?n? ??sti sestavovac?ho syst?mu..."

#: LiveMagic/controllers/build.py:86
msgid "Build process finished"
msgstr "Sestavov?n? dokon?eno"

#: LiveMagic/controllers/build.py:87
msgid "Your Debian Live system has been created successfully."
msgstr "V?? live syst?m byl ?sp??n? vytvo?en."

#: LiveMagic/controllers/build.py:106
msgid "Error when building Debian Live system"
msgstr "Chyba p?i sestavov?n? live syst?mu"

#: LiveMagic/controllers/build.py:107
msgid "There was an error when building your Debian Live system."
msgstr "P?i sestavov?n? live syst?mu se vyskytla chyba."

#: LiveMagic/controllers/build.py:117
msgid "Build process cancelled"
msgstr "Sestavov?n? zru?eno"

#: LiveMagic/controllers/build.py:118
msgid "The creation of your Debian Live system was cancelled."
msgstr "Vytv??en? va?eho live syst?mu bylo zru?eno."

#: misc/live-magic.glade:7
msgid "Generating Debian Live system..."
msgstr "Sestavuje se live syst?m Debian..."

#: misc/live-magic.glade:44
msgid ""
"<big><b>Generating Debian Live system...</b></big>\n"
"Please wait while your Debian Live image is generated for you."
msgstr ""
"<big><b>Sestavuje se live syst?m Debian...</b></big>\n"
"Po?kejte pros?m, ne? se sestav? obraz live syst?mu."

#: misc/live-magic.glade:72
msgid "Automatically close after Live system has been created"
msgstr "Automaticky zav??t po vytvo?en? live syst?mu"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:112
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Podrobnosti"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:201
msgid ""
"<b>Welcome to Debian Live Magic!</b>\n"
"A <i>live</i> system is an operating system that does not require\n"
"a classical installer to use it. It can boot from various types of\n"
"media, including CDs, DVDs, USB sticks, or via netboot. \n"
"The following screens will lead you through the process\n"
"of building your own Debian Live system."
msgstr ""
"<b>V?tejte v Debian Live Magic!</b>\n"
"<i>Live</i> syst?m je opera?n? syst?m, kter? nemus?te instalovat.\n"
"M??ete jej spustit z nejr?zn?j??ch m?di?, jako jsou CD, DVD,\n"
"USB kl??enky, nebo t?eba s?? (netboot). \n"
"N?sleduj?c? obrazovky v?s provedou procesem vytv??en?\n"
"va?eho vlastn?ho Live syst?mu Debian."

#: misc/live-magic.glade:223
msgid "Welcome to Debian Live Magic!"
msgstr "V?tejte v Debian Live Magic!"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:248
msgid "<b>What type of image would you like to build?</b>"
msgstr "<b>Jak? typ syst?mu chcete sestavit?</b>"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:302
msgid "Standard Debian GNU/Linux image"
msgstr "Standardn? obraz Debian GNU/Linuxu"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:348
msgid "GNOME desktop environment"
msgstr "Desktopov? prost?ed? GNOME"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:390
msgid "KDE desktop environment"
msgstr "Desktopov? prost?ed? KDE"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:432
msgid "Xfce desktop environment"
msgstr "Desktopov? prost?ed? Xfce"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:470
msgid "Debian GNU/Linux rescue image"
msgstr "Z?chrann? obraz Debian GNU/Linuxu"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:566
msgid "Choose image type"
msgstr "V?b?r obrazu"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:592
msgid ""
"<b>What distribution of Debian would you like to build?</b>\n"
"If unsure, select \"<i>Testing (lenny)</i>\"."
msgstr ""
"<b>Kterou distribuci Debianu chcete sestavit?</b>\n"
"Pokud si nejste jisti, zvolte ?<i>Testovac? (Lenny)</i>?."

#: misc/live-magic.glade:666
msgid "Unstable (sid) - untested and frequently changing"
msgstr "Nestabiln? (Sid) - nevyzkou?en? a ?asto se m?n?c?"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:686
msgid ""
"Testing (lenny) - receives new versions from unstable if they are not too "
msgstr "Testovac? (Lenny) - z?sk?v? bal?ky ze Sida (pokud nejsou moc chybov?)."

#: misc/live-magic.glade:707
msgid "Stable (etch) - well-tested and rarely changes."
msgstr "Stabiln? (Etch) - dob?e otestovan?, t?m?? se nem?n?."

#: misc/live-magic.glade:740
msgid "Select distribution"
msgstr "V?b?r distribuce"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:777
msgid "<b>What media type would you like to target?</b>"
msgstr "<b>Jak? m?dium chcete vytvo?it?</b>"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:817
msgid "Server path:"
msgstr "Cesta na serveru:"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:829
msgid "Server address:"
msgstr "Adresa serveru:"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:840
msgid "Server type:"
msgstr "Typ serveru:"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:921
msgid "Network boot image"
msgstr "Obraz pro zaveden? ze s?t?"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:964
msgid "USB / HDD image"
msgstr "USB / HDD obraz"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1006
msgid "ISO image for a CD or DVD"
msgstr "ISO obraz pro CD nebo DVD"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1077
msgid "Select media type"
msgstr "V?b?r m?dia"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1103
msgid ""
"<b>Please choose your local mirror:</b>\n"
"To select a mirror that is not on the list, simply enter it below."
msgstr ""
"<b>Vyberte n?jak? bl?zk? zrcadlo:</b>\n"
"Chcete-li pou??t zrcadlo, kter? nen? v seznamu, jednodu?e jej tam napi?te."

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1239
msgid "Choose mirror"
msgstr "V?b?r zrcadla"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1265
msgid ""
"<b>What type of machine is your Debian Live system for?</b>\n"
"If you are unsure, select \"<i>i386</i>\"."
msgstr ""
"<b>Pro kter? po??ta?e chcete sv?j live syst?m Debian sestavit?</b>\n"
"Pokud si nejste jisti, zvolte ?<i>i386</i>?."

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1304
msgid ""
"Computers with e.g. AMD Sempron or Intel Celeron, almost all\n"
"desktop computers dating 2004 or earlier."
msgstr ""
"Nap?. po??ta?e s procesory AMD Sempron nebo Intel Celeron, v?t?ina\n"
"stoln?ch po??ta?? p?ed rokem 2004."

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1324
msgid ""
"Most new computers with e.g. AMD Opteron, Turion 64, Athlon 64, or\n"
"Intel Core2, Pentium 4xx, Pentium D CPUs."
msgstr ""
"Nov?j?? po??ta?e s procesory jako AMD Opteron, Turion 64, Athlon 64,\n"
"Intel Core2, Pentium 4xx nebo Pentium D."

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1386
msgid "Select architecture"
msgstr "V?b?r architektury"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1412
msgid ""
"<b>Select Debian Installer integration:</b>\n"
"Selecting \"<i>yes</i>\" below adds additional boot options that launch the "
"Debian Installer, the\n"
"official installation system for Debian systems. \n"
"If unsure, select \"<i>no</i>\"."
msgstr ""
"<b>Integrace Debian Installeru:</b>\n"
"V?b?rem ?<i>ano</i>? se do zav?d?c? nab?dky p?idaj? dal?? polo?ky, kter? umo?n?\n"
"spustit Debian Installer, ofici?ln? instal?tor Debianu. \n"
"Pokud si nejste jisti, zvolte ?<i>ne</i>?."

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1465
msgid "Yes, integrate the Debian Installer."
msgstr "Ano, integrovat Debian Installer."

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1495
msgid "No, do not integrate the Debian Installer."
msgstr "Ne, neintegrovat Debian Installer."

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1531
msgid "Select Debian Installer integration"
msgstr "Integrace Debian Installeru"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1557
msgid ""
"<b>Select locale and keyboard layout:</b>\n"
"A locale is an identifier that defines your language, country and related "
"settings. If unsure, please use the defaults."
msgstr ""
"<b>Vyberte m?stn? prost?ed? a rozlo?en? kl?vesnice:</b>\n"
"M?stn? prost?ed? (locale) ur?uje jazyk, zemi a zp?sob form?tov?n?\n"
"?daj?. Pokud si nejste jisti pou?ijte v?choz? hodnoty."

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1632
msgid "Keyboard layout:"
msgstr "Rozlo?en? kl?vesnice:"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1656
msgid "Locale:"
msgstr "M?stn? prost?ed?:"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1689
msgid "Select locale and keyboard layout"
msgstr "V?b?r m?stn?ho prost?ed? a kl?vesnice"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1726
msgid ""
"<b>Please choose a build folder:</b>\n"
"If the specified directory is not empty, images will be created in a "
"<i>DebianLive/</i> subfolder."
msgstr ""
"<b>Zadejte slo?ku, kter? se pou?ije pro sestaven? obraz?:</b>\n"
"Pokud nebude zadan? slo?ka pr?zdn?, vytvo?? se obrazy v podslo?ce <i>DebianLive/</i>."

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1777 misc/live-magic.glade:1804
msgid "Select build folder"
msgstr "V?b?r slo?ky pro sestaven?"

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1821
msgid ""
"<b>Your Debian Live image is ready to build!</b>\n"
"Press <i>Apply</i> to begin the build process."
msgstr ""
"<b>Obraz live Debianu je p?ipraven k sestaven?!</b>\n"
"Pro zah?jen? procesu klikn?te na <i>Pou??t</i>."

#: misc/live-magic.glade:1849
msgid "Ready to build!"
msgstr "P?ipraven k sestaven?!"

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