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RFC: pimp my live-helpers

Michal Suchanek wrote:
> It would be perhaps helpful to put a hint how to make this work rather
> than "never set this option" in to the generated config file ;-)

sure.. but it's already a really big thing to educate people that the
host system is not influencing the live system at all, withouth a
*really* proper manualtext on this, i think it's more distracting users
rather than it helps. additionally, there is a great potential to screw
up builds by building non-chrooted and incompatible squashfs versions.

however.. live-helper will soon have a 'report' feature, where it will
collect necessary information from the host system and the configuration
of the live system, which everyone should attach to bug reports in order
to make them reproducible (or, making them actually understandable).
without this, reports of failed non-chrooted builds are just not
fixable. so.. once this is done (next week), the only thing is needed,
is someone volunteering to write documentation about non-chrooted builds
(or documentation in general)...

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann at panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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