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how to make a really small debian on usb

Cheng Liangyu wrote:
> Is it a bug?

it was one, yes. it's fixed in 0.99.24-1.

>     And I want to make a really small debian on usb with GUI.
> I think I should use buzybox instead of coreutils, and fluxbox.(and use
> upx compress the binary?)
>     How to do this?

well, you use three conflicting values: gui, debian, small.

gui means, you want to use xorg. xorg uses quite a lot of space.

debian means, you don't want altered packages, but debian does compile
some packages with too much dependencies, so this want be reall small.

the smalles one without recompiling packages would be

  # make-live -t usb -f mini --packages "xorg fluxbox"

but you have to extend /usr/share/make-live/hooks/mini a lot, so that it
removes every unwanted file to make the flavour really minimal, quite a
bit work (in case you go for it, please share your hook file with us ;)

>     Last question, is it possible to build a debian on usbkey with fat32
> format (such as RIP Linux)?
> So I can use its rest space in WindowsXP.

well, the image is already fat, so you can write to ut from windows.
however, since the image is created in an automatic fashion and we don't
know on which usb stick size it will be installed later, we create the
partition just large enough to copy everything on it.

if you want to have that partition larger, you can resize it maybe with
some tools, or, copy the stuff from binary/* to your mounted usb stick
and make it manually bootable.

> Sorry for poor English.

no need to be sorry, i can assure you that my english sucks even more ;)

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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