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Image QA

Kai Hendry wrote:
> I've been looking into QA for the images I generate with Debian-Live.

basically, there are four types of errors:

  * build-process is buggy (bugs in live-helper)

  * build-process was interrupted (flacky network connection etc.)

  * run-time error (bugs in live-initramfs)

  * formal errors (like incorrect .disk/* files on the image)

the first and the second one can be easily catched by checking for a
complete build and approximately size; together with the possibility of
reviewing the build log, there is not much to be done here.

the third one could be done with qemu as they do with morphix (thanks
for asking brendan about the script he uses), which is really, really
great. i'm looking forward to setup a machine to build daily svn sid
images soon (about three weeks from now), hopefully.

the fourth one could be tested with martin ferraris tool. i had a quick
chat about his lintian-for-cd google summer of code project, and he
wasn't against including livecd specific tests once he has some working
code published. looking forward to do that too.

> Anyone have some QA tips or thoughts, please share. Best wishes,

well, not actually.. you said everything already :)

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann at panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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