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Bootsplash bounty is here

In reference to http://www.safedesk.com/bugtracker/show_bug.cgi?id=7 , I run 
for the bootsplash bounty with this patch, contact at my mail address for 

With this patch, to be applied at live-package-0.0.1-0.6 sources you could 
call :

# LIVE_BOOTAPPEND="vga=791 quiet" make-live --splashy 
and have a bootable system that uses splashy software with default 

But since splashy has not entered sid yet, if you do not have a configurable 
debian mirror at your fingertips to specify as LIVE_MIRROR you must call it 
like this in order to have splashy working:

# LIVE_BOOTAPPEND="vga=791 quiet" LIVE_PACKAGES="$LIVE_PACKAGES console-tools" 
make-live --splashy --include-rootfs=hooks --hook=/root/splashy/install.sh

where hooks is a directory in the current directory containing  the debs and 
an "installer script" :
$ ls -R hooks


install.sh  splashy_0.1.8-0+39_amd64.deb  splashy-themes_0.1.8-0+39_amd64.deb

and where install.sh is:
$ cat hooks/root/splashy/install.sh
#! /bin/sh
# Splashy debian live installer until it hit sid


dpkg -i ${WORKDIR}/splashy*.deb
rm -rf $WORKDIR
be sure also to chmod +x hooks/root/splashy/install.sh

--splashy make-live option also supports themes in 2 ways, as an optional arg 
you can specify a theme which could be an official theme previously installed 
via a .deb (or present in the package splashy-themes) or a .tar.gz theme 
specified with extension stripped that must be in the current directory.

Example: I would like to install in the live the theme 
# ln -s /path/to/debian-deluxe-0.1.tar.gz debiandeluxe.tar.gz # same name of 
splashy theme
# LIVE_BOOTAPPEND="vga=791 quiet" LIVE_PACKAGES="$LIVE_PACKAGES console-tools" 
make-live --splashy=debiandeluxe --include-rootfs=hooks --hook=/root/splashy/install.sh

P.S. This patch is obviously GPL ed too
P.P.S. For panthera, feel free now to polish and commit :-)
P.P.P.S. If some themes other than default one give any xml errors, they must 
be updated to support new splashy 1.8, not my fault :-)
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