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Bug#1014255: Long lines should also be ignored from non-code text files

"Dr. Bas Wijnen" <wijnen@debian.org> writes:

> Axel writes that README.md and LICENSE are likely valid cases. I
> disagree.  While I (and I expect many developers in Debian) are used to
> using short lines in text files, this is not that common for other
> people. Many will use the automatic word-wrap feature of text editors
> and write a whole paragraph on a single line.

Or, if not a whole paragraph, there are pretty strong arguments for
following https://xkcd.com/1285/ whenever writing in any markup language,
including Markdown, which can lead to long lines for complex sentences.
That's the standard for our projects at my current employer.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)              <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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