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Re: help is welcome about the 'source-is-missing' error with the cherrytree packaging


Maintainer of cherrytree here.

On 2023-05-08 20:48, Patrice Duroux wrote:
Following #1030720, the maintainer reported #1030743 and now I am trying
to package a new upstream version (0.99.55).

This is still an issue. I attempted to override lintian error with adding the following to debian/source/lintian-overrides:

cherrytree source: source-is-missing [tests/data_данные/test.export.html]

However, it seems that lintian is unable to match these two Unicode containing strings, thus this override is reported as mismatched. I think this is a bug in lintian, either the same as #1030743 or a different one.

I am still facing the same lintian error and tried to understand the
job of SourceMissing.pm.
So my question is why this test data file
(test//data_данные//test.export.html) is considered by lintian? And
would it be also the case (not reported) with some other .html files
in the same sudir?

[file list cut for brevity]

Lintian considers all files in the source distribution. In case of this particular file it is most likely a very long line length triggers lintian into thinking this is not a source file. As this file is used for testing, lintian error is false-positive and should normally be overridden.

The 'tests' subdir is only used to run a test after the built.
This file is considered by lintian but is not intended to be and is
not part of the produced .deb package.

Right, but source distribution should not contain non-source files. This is due to "preferable form of modification" requirement in Debian policy.


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