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To: lintian-maint@debian.org on 8/9/2022 11:31:21 p.m.

Dated: 8/9/2022 11:31:21 p.m.

Hello From Guido Stella Roberto  - Italy.

Good evening,

Thank you for finding time to this message, without taking much of your time, I am in need of your service.  I have viewed your  impressive profile in , Skills and years of experience, and I want to discuss with you concerning my intending project for your esteem service. This is my second time contacting you, since I have not heard from you given the importance of my previous message as I made it clear during Pandemic, I decided to reconfirm to know if you did receive my previous email message. Considering that things are gradually coming back to normal, I decided to reach you once again, hoping that you will return my message at this time

I have an interest in investing my available capital in capital projects in your area with a huge capital involvement.

If you are interested in cooperating with me, kindly respond back by providing your direct contact and WhatsApp for direct communication.  Kindly get back to me as soon as you receive this message for details.

Thank you for your time.

With Sincere Regards,
 Guido Stella Roberto
Contact Address: Aldo De Luca Via Vardano 20042, Lombardy, Italy
Contact on Whatsapp No:0039 351 2394926 and Phone:0039 351 2394926

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